The Lucifer trail is over and the quarantine has been lifted on the rebellious planets. The circuits are open and the spiritual realm is abuzz. The order has come down to increase the spiritual energy by sending celestials to teach the people of these planets, including Earth. These efforts are designed to bring Earth's civilizations out of darkness and into the ages of Light and Life. The teachers can only succeed with the cooperation of humans themselves. Mortals are recruited, consciously and unconsciously, to aid in the cause. The celestials are free to work in many ways but they have one basic restriction: they may not violate the free will of their students.
How did two such unlikely characters as Vincent and Roland get recruited into this mission? Neither knew much about spirituality until each was led by the same person to a big blue book that revealed the purpose of life and God's plan for universe progression. Follow the adventures of these two friends as they lean a hand in the Correcting Time
by Fred F. Harris Jr.
Vincent and Roland and their adventures in the Correcting Time

Presenting spiritual teachings previously known to few on this planet, this book contains lessons that are based on the legendary 20th-century revelatory document known as The Urantia Book. These exercises bring the Urantia Revelation to life, unveiling for the first time the spiritual essence of this underground masterpiece in a series of practical lessons that simplify and amplify its majestic teachings. This unusual book of celestial wisdom shows that the spiritual path must eventually lead to the divine center within, the indwelling light that corresponds with the transcendent light of God. The 130 lessons restate the original teachings of Jesus — as presented in The Urantia Book — within a startling new cosmological framework.
Lessons from the Heart of the Urantia Revelation
by Fred F. Harris Jr. and Bryon Belitsos

by Gerdean O'Dell
E-book from the late Gerdean O'Dell is shared in a pre-publication form. We will keep this title alive on Amazon and in the market as a valuable comparative study of the body's seven Chakras and Urantis's Adjutant Mind Spirits
by Bob Devine
An impressive collection of spirit-connected poetry from Bob Devine of the Association of Light and Life, with a rejuvenated website that includes New Teaching Missions Lessons.
The Zooid Mission
by Gerdean
An extraterrestrial man who has materialized to determine the evolutionary statur of her earth species. Together they explore and advanced society of selfless Zooidal idealists who seek the altruistic standards that will trigger extraterrestrial contact.
The Adventure of Being Human
by Byron Belitsos
Amplifying the core spiritual teachings of The Urantia Book—a unique and thrilling revelatory book first published in 1955—this guide introduces the two central deity- personalities of the Urantia revelation: Christ Michael— Jesus—and his feminine, coequal consort, Mother Spirit. As the study relates, these two deities maintain intimate contact with their sons and daughters, demonstrating their love through an unprecedented series of teachings. In one short volume, this compilation chronicles Jesus’ own awe-inspiring lessons— updated for the 21st century— along with essential introductory and background materials. The wisdom provided here offers heartfelt instructions on the art of living, making a challenging cosmological reference concise and accessible.
Teaching Mission Network Videos
Visit the Teaching Mission on YouTube. Video presentations by James Leese, Deborah Goaldman, Ron Cohen and friends.
• Mansion of Love
• The Father Within
• The God Adventure
• The Garden of Trensformation

Institute of Christ Consciousness
The Institute of Christ Consciousness nurtures people in the development of their spiritual journey and soul growth. Services provided help people access their own Indwelling Divine Source, develop an intimate relationship with our Universe Parents, train for celestial contact, and provide healing services for trauma—past and present. Our transformational tools are books and CDs, including "Teach Us To Love,” and “Divine Mother, Divine Father—Teachings on Inspirational Living from Our Heavenly Parents.”
Explore our offerings at www.institutechristconsciousness.org
Come and join us in this greatest adventure of instituting Christ Consciousness upon the planet
Institute of Christ Consciousness
© TEACHING MISSION NETWORK 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

Five Spiritual Friends and their Music Legacy
Over years of attending Urantia Book and Teaching Mission conferences, I've heard some very gifted singers and songwriters. Some of them have passed on, leaving a legacy of great songs and performances. This ablum is a tribute intended as a Legacy.
Lily Fraser honed her voacl skills as a performer and beer wench at Renaissance Fairs. Her strong voice never misses a note and she embellishes with guitar and harp. We've collected seven tracks though she never had a record label. She was kind, compassionate, yet a fearless stand-up champion for justice. She cared courageoulsy for her fallen companion while ill herself. There is a special place in Heaven...
Hal Bynum was a larger than life icon in Nashville music, author of hit songs and a bonafide booze-fueled "hell-raiser." Then he met "Rebecca" in Utah, a gifted transmitter and icon in the Urantia-based Teaching Mission. They married and he began recording passionate, poetic down-home stories, such as these three.
Charley Packard devoted his young years to playing with famous rock bands. He then settled into the mountains of his native Idaho to play music with his friends and marry over a thousand of them. He became a community treasure, a good and caring man with a great gift that he always shared. There was a city-wide memorial when he passed. Here are four classics.
Cinde Borup joined Beth Pederson to perform for 28 years as Beth & Cinde/Wild Roses. Together with other talented Idaho performers, they produced several well-crafted CD's. Her soaring voice blends with beautiful arrangements in the four classics we feature. Cinde passed and Beth continues performing, with a new project slated for the months ahead.
Rick Giles had a theology degree and was a cabinet-maker. He was also a prolific Teaching Mission transmitter in a community of Idaho friends. He passed suddenly from a brain aneurysm a few years ago. Kathy Giles and other friends carry on as a steadfast Teaching Mission group. We discovered an upbeat track that capures a bit of their spiritual zeal.
I've included a couple of my lyrical poems that explore our eternal search for beauty and goodness. "Up To Green" seeks a wondrous mountain spirit.
These artists ecemplify both beauty and goodness. These artists feld the spirit and shared it. They were idealists who proclaimed values and performers who achieved excellence.
1. Up To Green — Jim Cleveland
2. Friends Like You — Charley Packard
3. When I Meet You Here — Wild Roses
4. Love's The Place — Rick Giles
5. Will Ye Gang Love? — Lily Fraser
6. Feel Freedom — Charley Packard
7. Time For A Healing — Lily Fraser
8. There Is Love — Lily Fraser
9. All Is Well — Wild Roses
10. A Parable About Mirrors — Hal Bynum
11. Troublesom Waters — Lily Fraser
12. There Is A Place — Wild Roses
13. If I Could Do Anything I Wanted To — Hal Bynum
14. How Can I Keep From Singing? — Lily Fraser
15. Feel The Sun — Charley Packard
16. There'll Be Love — Hal Bynum
17. If I'm Needed There — Charley Packard
18. We Can Be — Lily Fraser
19. Bumpy Road — Charley Packard
20. Giver of Life — Lily Fraser
21. Don't Wait — Wild Roses