This exploration of the Spiritual Universe includes several years of Teaching Mission lessons and a complete download of the first edition of the Urantia Book. Also suites for art, poetry, video, books, music, photography and links to Planetary Light-bringers. Our multi-media Exploration of the Spiritual Universe is for your enlightenment and entertainment. We'll range from the exposure of corruptions that blight our world to the highest visions of goodness. We hope you will participate by sending us your creative expressions that speak to spiritual values, including essays, videos, MP3 music tracks, podcasts, poetry, artwork and photographs. We want to showcase your activist movements for social and spiritual progress, so send your links. We also need associate editors who can help maintain and grow the site, and we welcome your constructive feedback as well. The planet is quickening with new energies and insights, even as we stand at the brink of catastrophes from war, corruption and environmental crises. Hope you will join us in showcasing paths to enlightenment, and in realizing our Oneness in the Spirit. - Jim Cleveland
Celestial Teachers Archive 1991-2022
The Teaching Mission World Portal is a library and archive of more than a quarter-century of personal spiritual growth lessons from celestial teachers. Like the Teaching Mission, this Portal is about teaching and learning true spiritual values. As we grow, it will grow. We hope to develop a searchable database to explore celestial sources.
These recorded transmissions come from an array of celestial teachers who have taught humans foundational spiritual lessons over these many years, primarily through Urantia Book study groups. They include Christ Michael, who incarnated on our planet as Jesus, in a supreme display of empathy and love.

A New Spiritual Foundation for a Quickening Planet, edited by Jim Cleveland. Includes human commentaries on working with celestial teachers and numerous transmissions.

Living in the Aura of Love. Commentaries and teacher transmissions, including a complete book: The Stillness: Key to Wealth, Health and Happiness by Michael Painter.
100 lessons for 100 days to grow spiritually from the Teaching Mission corps and Christ Michael. Compiled by Jim Cleveland
Published earlier this year on Amazon Kindle is here, free, for download. This continues the story from CELESTIALS OVER CINCINNATI as the author explores the world of celestial teacher contact from 1996-2019. Includes lessons from a new wave of celestial personalities to help in this time of planetary correction and redemption.

Lessons of the Planetary Correcting Time. As a skeptical observer I participate in the advent of celestial teachers in a Urantia Book study group, and follow a phenomena that soon emerges into a global influx of spiritual assistance in these critical earth times.
Lyric and poetry co-created and transmitted through a colorful variety of celestial artisans who are here to help us grow spiritually and creatively.
More lyric and poetry co-created and transmitted through a colorful variety of celestial artisans who are here to help us grow spiritually and creatively.

Like many others, Jim Cleveland despaired of the greed and corruption that has spawned great suffering on our planet. Despair turned to cynicism, a feeling of hopelessness that things would ever be better, that we were hell-bent for our own environmental destruction
My desire, my passion, was to write a book that was shorter, easier to read, formatted the way people typically like to learn new material, offering visuals, while capturing the core teachings without distortion or interpretation.
Dr. Gerald Farley Biography
The philosophy of Dr. Gerald Farley can be explored in these four E-Books, yours to download. Our Teaching Mission Network council member has a rich life experience, from U.S. Marine to many years in Law Enforcement, a Ph.D in Jungian psychology, in Reiki healing, Urantia and I AM and A Course in Miracles and a resulting outpouring of sharings for you. Click on the graphic to the left to read his biography and click on the book titles for PDF downloads.

Readings from the Jesus papers of the Urantia Book by Jim Cleveland and Stephanie Gjerde, Interwoven musical tracks with bass, mandolin, and violin by Mark Austin and friends.
The Urantia Papers comprise some 2,100 pages of epochal revelation that synthesizes science, philosophy and religion on our planet of Urantia. It elaborately describes the nature of God, the universe of universes and our roles as ascending mortals of time and space in a grand design of education and ascension.
These papers are published by both the Urantia Foundation and the Urantia Fellowship and the original text is downloadable at www.lightandlife.com.
Having studied these papers for many years, Mark and I are particularly inspired by part iv, which re-states the incarnation of Jesus on our planet and presents an enlightened and expanded Jesusonian message that reflects the Universal Father's Be Ye Perfect plan.
Here, I've attempted to provide a bare overview of the Jesus mission and some of his key messages relating to mankind's most frequent spiritual questions. All passages are direct quotes from Jesus in the Urantia Papers. I am joined by the beautiful narrations of Stephanie Gjerde of Austin, TX.
To my efforts, Mark has composed and added two joyful suites of instrumental music with an all-star combo of Dallas musicians on guitar, violin, mandolin and congas.
We hope you'll enjoy and be inspired by the incredible life of Jesus and his cosmic wisdom, and will be encouraged to read The Urantia Book, to visit us at www.lightandlife.com, and enjoy your own "Exploration of the Spiritual Universe."
This CD is inspired by the service of the Urantia-based Jesusonian Foundation at www.truthbook.org in bringing the real and true gospel of Jesus to our world.
Jesus of Urantia - In His Own Words and tracks:
1) The Jesus Joy Suite (2:52)
2) The Urantia Book (:52)
3) Who Was Jesus? (1:30)
4) The Kingdom of God at Hand (6:35)
5) How is One Saved? (4:21)
6) Should We Fear God? (9:12)
7) Attitudes in Jesus' Day (3:23)
8) The Purpose of Affliction (3:42)
9) The Value and Fallibility of Scripture (9:15)
10) Ordaining the Apostles (11:00)
11) The Attitude for the Father's Business (4:08)
12) Giving the Spirit of Truth (6:00)
13) An Appearance after Resurrection (5:21)
14) The Religion of Jesus (9:08)
15) The Sea Minor Suite (1:16)

CELESTIAL FUSIONS - Lessons from the planetary Correcting Time
Celestial teachers explain the current Corrrecting Times in our world societies, and offers a roadmap for spiritual insights, sustenance and empowerment through the practice of Stillness.
There is a critical question in the minds of humans today as to whether we can converse with celestial personalities, and whether they bring spiritual insights that will assist us in our growth. Individuals have to answer this question and many more in life for themselves. I have been involved with Teaching Mission since 1991 and hear are a few of the transmissions that I have personally given at group meetins in the Cincinnati area and at national TeaM gatherings. They are a small part of the tens of thousands of pages now representing the work of a wave of celectial teachers. — Jim Cleveland
CELESTIAL FUSIONS – Lessons from the Planetary Correcting Time tracks:
1) Mandolin Fusion (5:59)
2) Tarkas: Truth must live and grow (5:36)
3) Bakim: Truth nugget and source (10:35)
4) Elisha: Struggle in love, not fear (3:06)
5) Nero: The Few and the Mighty (12:49)
6) Bakim: Being an Artist (6:32)
7) Fusion Meld One (2:36)
8) Andrew: Mirth in the Mission (2:03)
9) Tarkas: Apocalyptic Insights and Ironies (8:45)
10) Mantoube: A Melchizedek Commitment (4:46)
11) Tarkas: Planetary Renaissance (3:25)
12) Christ Michael: Vanguards for a new Jesus (3:39)
13) Abraham: Love in Planetary Correction (3:36)
14) Fusion Melf Two (2:22)

Joys of Stillness, where meditation meets God
Available at Spotify, Apple Music and other services.
Joys of Stillness, Apple Music

SOUL SERIES — 7 cd's of music and poetry
SOUL SERIES, 7 cd's of Urantia-based poetry and music by Jim Cleveland and Mark Austin band, with guest artists
© TEACHING MISSION NETWORK 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020